Frequently asked questions

What to do if your pool is green, how often you should clean it, how to save money on your power bill, and more. Here are answers to the most common questions we hear! If we haven’t answered your question, get in contact and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

How often should I clean my pool?

This depends on many factors, such as the season, location of your pool, orientation (i.e. how much sunshine it receives), whether it’s covered/protected, and customer involvement and maintenance (i.e. will you assist with weekly maintenance or do you want to leave it to the experts?) However, as a general rule, your pool should be thoroughly cleaned once a week. 

Proper pool cleaning and maintenance consists of a number of minor and major tasks, such as checking the pH levels, adjusting the chemicals, vacuuming, and more. If you feel overwhelmed by the treatments and equipment required, an experienced pool technician can help you develop a maintenance schedule that keeps your pool in prime condition all year round.

How often do I need to test my pool?

When it comes to home testing, you should test your pool a minimum of once a week during the swimming season. Ideally, you should test your pool with a home test kit before anyone swims in it. Your pool should be professionally tested once a month. 

Do I need a pool cover?

In short: yes, but it depends on the season. A pool blanket should be used to minimise water evaporation and excess chemical consumption. It also keeps the pool warm at the beginning and end of the swimming season (summer), prolonging how long you can use your pool throughout the year.

Winter covers should be used for leafy pool areas to reduce the amount of debris that falls into your pool. However, you should always be checking under your pool cover as conditions can change quickly, especially during summer.

How much does it cost to run a pool?

Pool servicing can be expensive if you don’t have the right people managing your pool. On average, it costs between $65 and $165 per month to run a pool depending on its size. There are a number of ways to keep your running costs low, including regular maintenance to develop serious problems developing later down the line.

There are many companies that can simply clean your pool, but only a select few in Perth have the industry experience to recommend ways of monitoring and managing your pool that save both time and money.

What’s the best cleaner for my pool?

Every pool is different, but there are a select few brands that we trust to do the job. Maytronics has been manufacturing innovative pool cleaning technology for over 35 years. With their innovative pool cleaning technology, they are the market leader in Australia. They’ve even manufactured the world’s first climate care certified robot pool cleaner, which boasts less energy consumption and less water wastage.

Zodiac offers an extensive range of state-of-the-art robotic, suction and pressure pool cleaners. Since 1983, they have established their reputation as a leading supplier of high-quality, user-friendly pool equipment and products.

Every robot has advantages and disadvantages depending on the pool cleaning scenario. We always encourage seeking expert advice on what is best suited to your specific pool before you invest in pool cleaning equipment. At Complete Pool Service, we will happily come to your pool and provide an obligation-free quote.

How much does a pool cleaner cost?

A basic suction cleaner such as a Kreepy Krauly ranges from $500 to $1000. Robotic cleaners for top-of-the-range residential settings range from $1200 to $3500.

How do I stop my pool from going green?

Regular maintenance is essential to stop your pool from going green. Algae growth is typically the reason behind pools turning green. However, if this is consistently happening, there could be a bigger issue at hand and you may require more than a standard pool clean. Complete Pool Service will happily visit your home and troubleshoot this issue for you.

How do I fix a green pool?

Increasing the amount of chlorine can help fix a green pool depending on the severity of the algae growth. However, seeking professional advice is essential before adding any more chemicals to your pool.

How do I identify algae in my pool?

Algae in pools is typically seasonal and more common during the warmer months. However, it can also be a result of an imbalance in your pool chemistry or the presence of phosphates and other nutrients. It could also mean your chlorination or filtration isn’t functioning properly.

An experienced pool expert can help identify the causes behind the algae and offer solutions for troubleshooting.

What are the benefits of minerals in my pool?

Mineral pools are becoming increasingly popular as they are more suitable for people with sensitive skin and they are easier on the eyes. They require approximately 50% less chorine and require minimal maintenance. Magnapool and Mineral Swim are leading brands for swimming pool minerals.

How can I save money on my power bill?

It’s a common misconception that pools are expensive to run, but this isn’t necessarily true. Choosing energy-efficient pumps and pool cleaners to maintain your water quality is essential to saving money on your power bill. Buying a pool cover drastically reduces evaporation, which in turn reduces water loss and keeps the pool clean by preventing debris from falling in. Regular maintenance is also important to prevent serious, costly problems from developing later down the line.

Why do I need to test my pool water regularly?

Regular testing is essential to maintain the safety, comfort and clarity of your pool water. It provides an accurate picture of which chemicals your pool needs to sanitise and balance the water. Maintaining the pH balance ensures you are getting the most out of your sanitising chemicals. It also protects your pool surface and equipment, as if your pH is low, the water becomes acidic and can start to corrode the materials in the pool.

What’s the most cost-effective way to heat my pool?

Energy-efficient heat pumps paired with solar PV (photovoltaic) are an extremely cost-effective method for heating your pool. They use ambient warm air to heat the pool and are a quiet, high-performing solution.

Pool blankets are also a cost-effective option, as evaporation causes almost 75% of pool heat loss. Opting for a pool blanket can also allow you to choose a smaller pool heater, which saves even more money.

Can I install a heat pump for my pool? Which one should I choose?

It’s essential to conduct a heat pump evaluation based on your pool’s requirements. This is to gain a thorough understanding of the different heat pumps on offer and how they are best used to suit your specific circumstances. Speak to our expert team about organising an evaluation.

What’s the difference between chlorine, salt and mineral pools?

Chlorine pools are the most common and they are maintained by regularly adding in more chlorine, which breaks down into chemicals that clean your pool. This is a very effective method for keeping bacteria and algae at bay. However, it is more costly than other sanitisation options due to the amount of raw chemicals needed. Chlorine is also harsher on the skin, eyes and hair.

A common misconception is that saltwater pools don’t contain any chlorine; however, they have a small amount of chlorine that is necessary to maintain a healthy pool. Saltwater pools use a machine called a chlorinator that generates chlorine from the salt in the water, which then sanitises the pool. Saltwater pools are less harsh on the skin, eyes and hair, and they are generally more cost-efficient. 

Mineral pools contain naturally occurring minerals such as magnesium chloride, sodium chloride, and potassium chloride that enhance the swimming experience and are gentle on the skin, eyes and hair. They still contain some salt and require a chlorinator to generate chlorine from the minerals.

We always recommend regular monthly water testing regardless of your pool system.

How do I make my pool stand out at night?

Lighting is the key to making your pool stand out at night. LED pool lighting can elevate your pool’s appearance at night. If you’re considering lighting options that change colours, single-colour or multi-colour changing lights can be more cost-effective than older halogen lamp varieties. Halogen lighting typically uses 100W per hour per light, in comparison to LED lighting which typically uses 15W - 45W per hour per light.


For all your pool-related queries, we may already have an answer.

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